A very important poll! Family Feud style.

Jul 01, 2011 17:46

I need your help!

OK, so it's for my sister's annual 4th of July pub crawl and the associated Family Feud style games. But the pub crawl is happening in like 6 hours, so priority is HIGH even is severity is LOW [unless I have those backwards]. And it is fun.

Please answer only those questions that you find interesting:

1. After area 51, which US city or landmark is most likely to be a top secret military repository of alien artifacts?

2. After the White House, which US city or landmark is most likely to destroyed by alien invaders in a show of force?

3. Which US city or landmark is most likely to be the secret headquarters of the human resistance forces?

4. Which group is most likely to be a member of the human resistance forces? [e.g., IT professionals, Tenured professors, Card carrying ACLU members, Tea Party presidential candidates, Star Trek fans in full Klingon regalia, etc]

5. Which group is most likely to betray humanity by joining with the alien invaders? [e.g., IT professionals, Tenured professors, Card carrying ACLU members, Tea Party presidential candidates, Star Trek fans in full Klingon regalia, etc]

6. Which US tradition, food item, or movie cliche is most likely to lead to total and utter annihilation of the alien invaders?

I'm screening comments so you won't be biased by other answers (I think that is how Family Feud works), but I'll unscreen all of them after the pub crawl for your enjoyment. As a bonus preview, best answer so far for #6: pop rocks. :)

Thank you!!

This entry was originally posted at http://pentapus.dreamwidth.org/31735.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

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