Threadless and Xmen (I'm sorry. I... like drawing animals?)

Jun 17, 2011 13:33

Three things:
1. Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr

Um, I was wondering if Charles could affect animals, since in a pseudo-scientific universe, rather than a magicky one, whatever signal he's giving off should hit other brains as well, but somehow this lead to Charles hugging an elephant. There was going to be Erik trying to metal bend an Indian Rhino, so you're lucky you got this one instead.

Charles and Erik kind of remind me of Duncan and Methos, in that they initially mistake each other for kindred spirits, but the longer they know each other, the more fundamental their differences become. Despite this, the chemistry between their characters is so strong as to be gravitational. You don't even need physical attraction in the mix to explain it. And lo, roughly ninety bajillion fics are written.

Hilariously, to me, Charles is definitely Methos in this scenario. Neither of them are really that similar to either Duncan or Methos, but when it comes to their relationship dynamic, it's Charles who is endlessly interested in things and people and who's less likely to call any crime totally unforgivable.

2. Also, please vote for my Threadless shirt? :)

3. Prompts, guys? :D

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xmen, art cute, art color, art, art xmen

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