Rebellion (Lies)Author:
pentapusCharacters: Uhura, Sulu, ensemble (background Spock/Uhura, implied Kirk/Sulu)
Summary: When the Enterprise is sent to negotiate a planet's urgent entrance into the Federation, it seems like just another mission. But things are never quite that simple, and there are things that the Federation doesn't know.
Notes: For
trekreversebang. I hadn't met
starsandgraces before this challenge, but I totally lj-stalked her afterwards, and I highly recommend checking out the rest of her fic. She whips out the action political plot here with some great ideas for an alien civilization AND she's good at the more classic character/relationship focused fic -- I know, I checked. I have been very lucky with this challenge both times I did it, guys. Fun times.
This entry was originally posted at
http://pentapus.dreamwidth.org/28897.html. Please comment there using OpenID.