Preview Escapadecon line art: Hawaii 5-O, Doctor Who, Leverage

Jan 30, 2011 15:47

I'm 5/6 on inking the Escapadecon pictures, so here's the first half. These will be colored, printed (~4x6"), and matted (after roughly a geologic age, based on current speed). Then I'll have some sort of moral attack about selling fan art and keep them in a drawer.


Hawaii 5-O is like SGA if Sheppard slept with real live women and was under the impression that he was the hottest shit to ever happen to Atlantis. Also, if Rodney talked all the time because he was good at it, not because he couldn't stop. And Teyla is a cylon.

DOCTOR WHO, Ten and Eleven. I am loving the new seasons with Matt Smith's Doctor and Steven Moffat's writing. Only the pretense that this was for a slash con kept River Song out of this picture. And time constraints. Also those. P.S. Drawing the TARDIS with a tablet was a terrible idea.

LEVERAGE, Parker, Hardison, Eliot, because I can't draw this show without drawing Parker. I don't really get the Eliot/Hardison pairing, but to be fair that's based heavily on but where is Parker? Exhibit A: I totally buy Eliot/Parker, whose only supporting argument is that we know Eliot likes blondes. Common interests? Not horses.

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misc fandom, art cute, doctor who, leverage, art misc, art

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