
Dec 09, 2009 14:54

I don't suppose anyone wants to spoil me for the entirety of BBC's Merlin?

(since the last two episodes of season 1, rather)


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Comments 9

iambickilometer December 9 2009, 21:41:10 UTC
psst: Rocks fall, everyone dies.


maryavatar December 9 2009, 21:51:39 UTC

I was going to post something about the epic, but forbidden, love affair between Gaius and the Dragon, but yours is a better response.


iambickilometer December 10 2009, 03:52:52 UTC
Well, that happened too. But just when Gaius and the Dragon were finally going to consummate their forbidden love, the rest of the cast turned up to stage an intervention. "I can't let you do this to yourself!" cried Merlin, and Uther and Morgana readied their swords. Arthur sort of stood around ambivalently. Gwen rushed to the defense of Gaius and the Dragon, saying love is love is love, and then everyone started shouting, including the Dragon, and that's when the cave-in happened.


pentapus December 9 2009, 22:44:23 UTC
Haha. I can work with that.


miscellanny December 9 2009, 22:35:09 UTC
I - there's a plot? Apart from the epic love?


pentapus December 9 2009, 22:44:03 UTC
I have implausible amounts of anxiety regarding Morgana and what the hell they think they're going to do with her character. And, like, I am never ever going to watch another episode in that state. Which is sad, because I want to.


korilian December 15 2009, 13:56:05 UTC
Which one? :)

basically the plot this season is this:

Merlin is increasingly woe is me, because he's young and powerful and wants people to respect him RIGHT NOW.
Arthur loves Gwen, who loves him back, but doesn't think it'll every happen (and also Lance)
Morgana is being driven to the dark side by the revelation that she has magic and getting hoodwinked by bad guy's because she wants to protect Mordred (who's getting real creepy). I'm sure the revelation that her half sister also knows magic, and was whisked away so that she wouldn't be executed, will cinch the deal.
Uther is still a dick. The end.


eliyes December 9 2009, 23:00:50 UTC
*lurks, waiting to see what will be revealed*


losyark December 10 2009, 03:22:33 UTC
See, now I'm afraid to actually say anything! *looks up at other commenters nervously*


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