Today's 20... ok, 30 min picture.

Nov 27, 2009 23:29

First, a note: I'm
pentapus on dreamwidth (this post, and most others since april this year have been crossposted on lj and dw). With the idea that one day I'll be mostly dreamwidth based and with me fading out of SGA, I trimmed the lj flist down to journals I sort of know*/read. All fannish content on this journal is unlocked, so there isn't anything to miss.

But in other news, here is Today's 20 min 30 minute picture. It wasn't really anybody in particular, except that I colored her hair auburn and drew a rocket ship. So, in my world, that would make her Mia Koji of Ronin Warriors (the rocket ship totally makes this a Rowen/Mia picture somehow. Like I said -- my world), but that's totally optional.

*(or who once told a story about finding their grandmother's vibrator. Flist trimming is not an exact science, I admit).

art cute, rw, ronin warriors, art color, art rw, art, 20 min

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