miscellany, Iron Man, beer commercials, Castiel

Feb 01, 2009 13:10

1. I'm trying to decide if a 3-day fandom binge is enough to justify signing up for art in a big bang challenge. Also, seriously, if there were ever an lj icon that could single-handedly bring someone into a fandom, it would be this one. Or possibly I've just revealed too much about my own fannish buttons.

2. I experienced the mental dissonance of knowing exactly where this Heineken commerical was filming. Despite selecting a location that is both famous and super awesome (and a little out of step for a beer commercial--maybe?), they stay so closely zoomed as to almost hide it entirely. If you want to try guessing yourself (and you've been to NYC), I'll mention under the cut that it's the Rose Center for Earth and Space at the American Museum of Natural History, i.e. the planetarium part. The beer buffet thing is set up on a timeline exhibit about the Big Bang. I'm curious about your opinion; do you think they're trying to pretend it's a club? Or is the audience meant to know its in a museum?

3. If anyone noticed me dropping 2 Merlin doodles and then transitioning to near radio silence, you can blame Castiel. Yes, that dude from SPN. I was totally shocked to learn today that despite appearing to be God's tiniest angel, he is possibly in fact taller than Dean. I feel a little betrayed.

misc fandom

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