Firefly art: River and vice

Nov 12, 2008 09:03

More of this evenings art spam. For thetruebard, who wanted River and possibly beer. Ok, also Methos, but I only got 2 out of 3.

River, displaying her knack for driving her brother and her captain bugnuts. Either that or it's a hipster AU (which I would totally, totally read).

This started out with the idea that River drinking and chain smoking was 1) amusing in itself, and 2) amusing in the sense that Simon and Mal would both sprout gray hairs. Not River the chainsmoker, but River at a space bar, doing that thing where she blends in with mind powers. And they find her two hours later, with a half-pack stuck in her waistband and tipping back a bottle with a dragon on the label. Jayne doesn't like that he kind of likes it. I think I lost (or never had) the humorous side of the image (wasn't sure how to draw the expression of concentrating on looking aloof), so instead I added a dragon made out of noodles.

art misc, art bw, art, firefly

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