SGA/Avatar: Needs Salt (avatar fusion art and fic)

Aug 03, 2008 14:33

Title: Needs Salt
Author: thetruebard
Artist: pentapus
Fandom: SGA/Avatar
Notes: A long time ago, thetruebard and I came up with this for the artword challenge "Remix". Now, decades later, we've actually... finished.

Summary: Rodney hadn’t expected to be buying supplies in a landlocked nightmare a whole continent away from home, and he was logically getting pretty cross with the merchant across the counter.

I really recommend checking out the fic thetruebard wrote for his half of the challenge, especially if you're familiar with Avatar: the Last Airbender. It really feels like you're seeing a glimpse of what Nickelodeon's series would have been like if they'd cast the SGA team instead.

art team, art teyla, avatar, art, sga, fic complete, fic, art bw, art john

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