what I'm doing right now

Apr 13, 2008 11:02

1. Still painting the snake shirt. It's slow going as the coiling around the arm means I have to pause for a few hours two or three times in each step so I can get around the whole sleeve. But it's looking good. I can't wait to see it when it's finished.

2. Attempting to finish a short fic (for reals, fic, I used to write it) with Teyla, mud, and Wraith Queens, but it is fabulously slow going. Even though I started this thing way back when for one of amireal's 3 day challenges.

3. Sketched out a Four and Romana picture, but it turned out too similar to one of the reference pics I was using, so I have to rework it.

4. Holy shit, paintedspires starts posting are on April 21. That is a lot closer now than it seemed three weeks ago. XD


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