quick prompt.

Feb 26, 2008 10:05

Prompt me? Fandoms flexible, provided I know it.

prompt, rw, methos, prompts given, avatar, sga

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Comments 30

bratfarrar February 26 2008, 16:51:54 UTC
Lorne & co. stuck up in a tree (didn't miss_porcupine write a story like that?), or maybe Carter being bemused by all the crazy people she has to work with now.


rokeon February 26 2008, 17:03:35 UTC
The one where the SGA team visits this planet where there's some kind of elaborate Ancient water purification plant, very interesting and scientific and totally worth studying on its own (Not at all relevant is the fact that the natives use the resulting water to brew the most amazing beer in the known universe. Why, they didn't even bother to mention that to Elizabeth/Carter when they ran the mission plan by her.) and spend quite a bit of time talking to the local... I don't even know, the guy whose job is something like simultaneously keeping the filtration thing running (because he can understand the Ancient directions; he's very good with languages) and taste-testing all of the beer. He's multitalented like that! Lots and lots of experience!

Possibly this is slightly long for a prompt.


flamebyrd February 26 2008, 22:50:50 UTC
... weirdly, I once wrote a SGA/Methos (I mean, Highlander) crossover where our heroes uncover an Ancient water purification plant.

And I missed the opportunity to make a beer joke, I think I fail at Methos.


rokeon February 27 2008, 04:08:57 UTC
Ooh, link me?

I love that you knew I was talking about Methos. I wasn't exactly being subtle, granted, but it still makes me happy. And Methos as his own crossover is completely valid, he has whole existences that have nothing to do with the rest of the show.


flamebyrd February 27 2008, 09:13:08 UTC
It seems I should have said, "uncover an Ancient water purification device... sort of". (Isn't it funny how a person can forget their own fic?)

Er, anyway, Of Ancient Languages and Ancient Inventions is it, and there are a couple of precursors. *considers* It could do with a bit of touching up, I think.

Methos crossovers are the best kind of crossovers.


reflectedeve February 26 2008, 17:04:13 UTC
Avatar - Zuko &/ Aang - "Light My Fire" (as in the Doors song. I could not resist.)

Avatar - Zuko/Sokka - irritation

Or, any Avatar girls. *is on a kick*


nimnod February 26 2008, 17:08:49 UTC
Super Zelenka vs Super Rodney!


lillian13 February 26 2008, 17:12:17 UTC
Sheppard and Methos. Watching Ronon and MacLeod bond over big swords. They're so...macho.


teenygozer February 26 2008, 17:27:55 UTC
I GOT MY TEE SHIRT LAST NIGHT! YAY!!!! GREAT JOB! And at double-XL, the tee actually fits, too. Oh, American Apparel, you and your silly sizing and body issues! But they do make a high quality tee shirt, for all that they seem to be a bunch of anorexics.

The paintwork on the wee griffin is so fine, it looks like embroidery until you look at it closer. Also, much love for the illustration of John and his bunny suit.

My prompt is John buys Rodney a tee shirt with something apt depicted or written on the front of it. Hilarity ensues.


pentapus February 26 2008, 18:09:16 UTC
Yay! \o/ I'm glad you like it.


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