Cute tiny animal t-shirts: ORDER HERE.

Aug 03, 2007 16:32

For sale: Custom, hand-painted tiny animal t-shirts

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teeshirt: orders, teeshirt

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rishabree August 3 2007, 21:48:41 UTC
Aw. Maybe next time you could use a place that offers 3x? Pretty please?


pentapus August 3 2007, 21:52:21 UTC
Sorry about that! Unfortunately, I'm restricted by where I can find affordable blanks on the internet. You're not the only one who needs 3XL, so I'm trying to find alternatives--whether that's a different blank shirt distributor or asking you to ship me a shirt you already own.


pentapus August 3 2007, 22:20:52 UTC
Hi! This is a men's jersey t-shirt that offers 2XL and 3XL. Would that work for you?


rishabree August 6 2007, 02:55:39 UTC
Good thing I came back here, because for some reason I never got emailed either of your replies. :(

Yes, that would work for me. So consider me as wait listed for the next round!


pentapus August 26 2007, 18:44:26 UTC
Hi! This is just a heads-up that shirt orders will probably open again tomorrow (Monday), early afternoon, CST. A post for alternative commissions (larger designs, other things besides shirts, and digital art) will also be up, and won't have an order limit.


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