5 things, pimping and a rec

Jul 03, 2007 14:07

1. There is a Sheppard and Mitchell thing-a-thon open for signs up at sg_flyboys, which I fully approve of based on the chocolate and peanutbutter principle.

2. Posted my remix.

3. Avatar is the story of me feeling a little perverted because Sokka wears a bone choker and that's hot.

4. These are three fics I will probably not remember to rec in their own post:

Mend by minnow1212, in which Ronon sets up John and Teyla, and which you should read even if you look at that and think, "Cliche!" or "Any pairing but that!" because it's got world-building, dialogue, three dimensional alien cultures, John being a dork, Teyla also being sort of a dork, and is just... yes.

Storms in the Desert by Kristen Murphy, which is a chance meeting between River and Methos and is short and wonderful and in character and was recced to me by ithidrial.

The Exquisite Barometer by Vehemently (who I'm pretty sure is vee_fic, who wrote "Eurydice Turns Left" in SGA fic, which was also spectacular, though I like this better). His Dark Materials, Will, post the trilogy at a going to school for--physics maybe? At a summer research program in the US, and it's--basically it's gorgeous. Oh my god, it's gorgeous, and the original characters are wonderful and real and you love them instantly. It feels like reading a story in high definition. And it's the best kind of gen where you get the heart in your throat feeling you associate with good slash. And just--*flails*--WILL.

5. Doodle drabble. When's a good time for you? By which I really mean, this is your two day heads up. ETA: ok, I lied. you have a day off tomorrow, and I've had an interesting day. so.

recs, methos, today, firefly, sga

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