Poll: doodle drabble

Jun 20, 2007 13:50

Hi, hi, so as usual, I'm procrastinating. And planning future procrastination. (And, actually, still adding requested chibi icons to this entry.) But future procrastination will be... more in the future, not for a few weeks as I'm planning to get some actual work done, or something. (This is probably a lie).

Once upon a time I did two prompt 'meme's (not really memes), doodle drabble and doodle drabble 2.0, and I thought, "Those were kinda fun." So, uh, a poll:


ETA: For the last question, seriously, put anything, including rare fandoms--books, favorite movies, anything you'd write for Yuletide (with the caveat that you would consider writing in it). No guarantees, but there might be some unexpected agreement. Do you want this to be an SGA thing or would an added touch of rare fandoms spice it up?*

*Ok, actually, the truth is that I'm already decided on this question. But I am open to influence. Basically, I'm thinking that I'd pictures from different fandoms but with different content--the "mortal peril picture" or the "funny costume picture" or the "he's not wearing a shirt picture"--but swapping characters and fandoms would be fair game. i.e. if I drew Rodney McKay and John Sheppard scaling the east tower, you could write Rodney McKay and John Sheppard scaling the east tower--but! If you wanted to write, say, Cimorene, chief scientist of Atlantis, and Major Mendanbar... that would be pretty--uh. pretty spectacular.


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