meme wot I stole from that person there

May 07, 2007 15:43

Ok, I have two papers due in negative two hours, and I desperately don't want to write them. I mean, more so than usual. So I'm going to try the "a waiting distraction" angle. That is, this meme I stole from seperis:1) Ask me about my fic--something I wrote, character, plotline, even a really short commentary--and I'll give you an explanation, snippet, or something. Kind of like a dvd commentary, but shorter and faster. *g* ETA: If you wanted, you could also ask about Art too (though maybe playing dress up with fictional characters is pretty straightforward).


2) If I've recced your fic and you don't know why or want to know what I liked about it and I was unclear (this happens a lot), ask. And I'll tell you.

Links: Fic and Recs.

If you never hear from me again, it's cuz ileliberte found out I was procrastinating and dumped my body in a ditch by the railroad tracks.


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