SGA art: dealing with dragons

May 04, 2007 18:01

Show of hands, who's read Dealing with Dragons? i.e. the Enchanted Forest books by Patricia C. Wrede?

Right. Well, you should.

Brief Intro to Relevant information:

Dragons keep princesses as, well, housemaids because it's tradional and because housework is so irritating with claws like theirs. The downside is that princesses are generally silly and keep screaming and fainting all over the place. What's more, knowing sixteen different ways to curtsey doesn't help much with preparing dragon-sized portions of cherries jubilee. Also? Princesses aren't fire proof. (All of this sets the stage for our lovely protagonist, Cimorene, the rather unothordox princess, but that's beside the point for now.)

Because the point is this:

Rodney: What! I thought you were a princess! You were wearing PINK.
John: Um. *adjusts circlet* Sorry?

(Actually, Rodney is even more mistaken because not only is John not a princess, he's probably a prince of the Enchanted Forest, a.k.a. Atlantis but with trees like Teal'c's thighs instead of ocean.)

art team, art sga, art, sga, art cute, art au, art bw, art john

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