Dec 18, 2006 22:38
So - something I started doing two years ago was baking cookies and giving them to the guys who work out in the freezing cold in the Boat yard I work at. I give each of them 6 cookies - and considering there have been 24 people to make cookies for that means baking at least 12 dozen cookies. It actually means baking more cause I cannot always remember which baking sheets always burn the cookies without parchment paper, or which ones are sideways, or even to reset the timer, and I end up having overdone ones that go to Cruz. Yeah, he HATES that.
This year I am baking extra cause I want to give some folks in the Alameda yard cookies. Tonight I got about 10 dozen cookies done (5 dozen chocolate chip and 5 dozen Heath Bar bits). I need to make at least another 10 dozen.
I need to do some double chocolate ones tomorrow - and I have an EVIL plan. I like to make "reverse" chip cookies - you know where the cookie is chocolate and it has white chips? Well - when you add macadamias to those they get really yummy.... However, my evil plan is to use teh Hershey's Special Dark cocoa powder to make the cookies chocolate and to use the Hersheys add in mix of Special Dark chips and Macadamias...... awwww yeah baby.....
And then I get to take the goodie bags I got at Michaels and bag up multiple half-dozens of cookies. And give them out on Friday when the boys get their paychecks.
I just thought I would post something random and not health related for once.
I hope everyone has a happy and healthy solstice - I know ours isn't so I am hoping that someone we know gets our share this year.