Resolution recap

Jan 01, 2009 21:05

Each year, I post resolutions. I also look back at last year's to see how I did. Here's the rundown:

1. Get in to at least 2 of the 6 grad schools I applied to and have people fight over me, even if it's only a little.

**I was accepted to both Purdue and University of Minnesota. I ended up applying only to 5, but 2/5 is good enough. And they DID fight over me.**

2. Keep up getting in shape (I've been doing at least 50 pushups a day, if not more strenuous exercise).

**I walk to and from school a couple times a week. That's about 2.5 miles each way. This semester, I've lost about 15 pounds and gone two notches tighter on my belt. I still need to work out more to get my arms back, but I'm on track. I call it a win.**

3. Start really writing again. Last year I didn't do nanowrimo (for good reason, I think), and I barely wrote at all during the semester. I want to change that.

**Still working on this. School kicks my ass and makes me not want to write. This is a loss.**

4. Get more confident. I'm going to write "Get confident, stupid!" on my mirror. Not really, but I'm more social when I'm more confident, and I want to be more social.

**Not sure about this. Anyone want to tell me? I have been more social, but my gut tells me to call it a draw.**

5. Become an intellectual powerhouse. When I get to wherever I'm going next, I'm not hiding behind modesty or a desire for companionship within my department. Realistically, PhD programs are snake pits. So I will become a mongoose.

**Done. There's a good chance that I will publish in at least 2 places this year. I moderated a panel at a huge international conference. I'll be presenting at the biggest conference in my field (CCCC) in March. For reference, I know people in their 3rd year of the program who have zero publications. So two would rock (especially since I'm aiming for top journals, which my advisor thinks I can do). And I got a research assistantship, which means more conference presentations and possible publication credit. So a definite win.**

Final tally for 2008: 3-1-1. Pretty good. Which is surprising: I didn't really consider it that great of a year (though it has been getting better).

Now, for 2009, the first year of the Benchilada dynasty. Resolutions:

1. Write more.

2. Publish.

3. Get back into practice with magic. I performed a bit at a New Year's party, and it felt really good. But I'm very much out of practice. I keep thinking I need something to do with my hands while watching TV. This could/should be it.

4. Continue being awesome in school.

5. Try not to worry about money as much.

I think those are good goals. They're all personal goals. I want to continue having a wonderful marriage, but that's not resolution material. That's a lifetime thing. I also want to do cool shit in game, but that's ambiguous. Get confident stupid is still a good idea, but I'm hoping the above resolutions will cover that.

Plus, I tend to do 5, so that's where I'm stopping.

it's my party, and I can do what I want.

You don't know.
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