Oct 10, 2004 00:40
Well, I don't know where to start. The beginning might be a good start, but isn't the beginning so far away? Maybe I should start from the end. What if there isn't an end, though? I'll just start with the present. Me and Aja are still together ( you expected less?) and indefintly happy. I'm going to City High, which fucking sucks. It's actually called School for Creative Arts, but it's Chattanooga's high school so everyone just calls it City High. The school doesn't suck ( contradiction? ) , but to me all schools suck. So, in a away, it does suck. On a different note...
Lately, I've been running into a bunch of old friends. I can't decide whether it's a bad thing or not. Maybe...well, I'm tired of you already. Sick of your shit, Live Journal! Tired of it!
-Corey....Am I?