Aug 31, 2005 16:32
So, I am part of the school newspaper at CCA. I am a reporter for the Arts section, the Entertainment section, a special column reserved for me and Joey, and the Culture section. I am an editor in the Arts section and head of the advertising. I am head of advetising that means I make sure we get money from local businesses and whatnot to sponsor our paper so if we dont have money from these businesses for our paper, then we have no paper. I have six people working beneath me on this and they make postcards to send to businesses to let them know we will be calling to set up a meeting to lie and worm our ways into their hearts so they can give us cash. All this along with my other jobs which include attending editor meetings after school, covering local events in thos sections, and editing other reporters coverage. PROBLEM: I am getting a job that will confenscate all that time. The teacher that is heading the entire operation took me aside today and said that I am the engine that will get this paper going and keep it running smoothly. My interview for Food Lion is next Tuesday and they are short-handed which means my job is assured. No where near enough time to train someone else for all those jobs in the paper. And I have two demanding AP classes and a lot of school work from most/all classes...Am I fucked or am I fucked? Wait, no, that's selfish. The paper's fucked.