My very own DITL

May 25, 2009 10:58

I keep missing the official DITL days, so I decided to do one of my own!!

Good Morning! I wake up hugging my Teddy (Penny) and the T-shirt I got signed by all my friends at the con last year.

After stumbling around for a sec, I hop into the shower! mmmm warm!

I weigh myself, and am disappointed to see that I am at 52kgs... yesterday I was 51. Then I remember that I am holding a camera! hee!

I put on my TKD dobok and get my bag packed!

Quick! TKD starts at quarter to 8!! It's 7:29am!!!

I quickly cut up an orange for my breakfast

and make my way down to my car! I set my iPod up to play through the radio!

Eating an orange while driving? NOT that easy akshualee. The drive to training is pretty!


Black Belt training - no one is waiting which means they're all in the Do Jang already!! eek!

I couldn't take any photo's inside, because I was too busy TRAINING MY ASS OFF!!! As you can see, it was well worth it though!

Back at home again, I get a phone call mid-change - so I organise the sydney screening of lightswitch half naked! fun!

Jump back in the shower again quickly to wash off the sweat! Check out mah bilious green towel! teehee!

Best. Socks. Evar. I miss New York! :( I get dressed for work - Subway today! :(

I show my sister what we were doing at training this morning.

and then make some coffee and left over lasagne which i eat as fast as I can!

While I eat, I ice my hip - which hurts from training - we have no ice packs..
So i ice it with frozen Spinach. Popeye would be proud! :p

I admire the new 1000 LIGHTSWITCH postcards that we got printed! and Saisy texts me, to tell me to call her!!

I tip the rest of my coffee into my Xena travel mug, and head out the door!

I'm on time for once - YAY ME!! I *squee* on the phone with Saisy about my idea to apply to UT for my masters.

Oh noes! Here I am at work... Bye Saisy :(

We have lots of prep to do, so I get started on the Chicken Teriyaki, and the Pepperoni!

Look at all that prep! Can you spot the meatballs? and the chocolate milk in crates? Lawson shows off while he preps capsicum!

Tim preps the cucumber, while Lawson productively carves an Edward Cullen into one of them. VAMPIRE CUCUMBER!!!

I prep some Marinara sauce! yum!

The boys show off for the camera a little more.

Then it gets busy - lunch rush - and we have to do some actual work. blah! :(

But when the rush is over, it's time for my break! YAY!!!

Would you like your sub Fresh, or toasted?

After the rush our prep is depleted, so back to it!! Mmm Ham!

We start to fool around some more when the changeover staff come in. Logan takes control of the camera and we get a little snap happy. Forty photos later, I choose the best ones for today! hehe

We have about ten mins left f our shift, so we work super fast (yeah right!) to get as much prep done as possible before 4pm! Logan and I try to catch the Mozarelle cheese mid-fall... it ends up being a lil messy! oops! You can see on the wall there, we have a little drawing of "the angry customer monster" - and all his annoying demands!



Hi there! What can I get for you today? Michelle, our trainee is in the background being cheeky!

I have a little fun with Logan's hat while he's not looking!

and then Tim and I decide to take the message literally. We've finished work, the new staff have started, but we decide to stick around and annoy them with some martial arts! O, H & YES!!!

Tim's kick is kinda brilliant!

We never got a full kick of mine captured! :(

There are no customers in the store, so we move the chairs around and have a little more fun than we probably should! :p

And then I decide at 4:30 that it's time to go home... so I fill up my soda cup and am on my way!


I sing along to Kelly Clarkson while I drive....

Until I get a text from Nutty... and i demand a gold platter from her, and a phone call!

So I talk to nutty, and become momentarily distracted by a pretty sunset!

Talking to Nutty makes me smile... but it also makes me SCARED!!!!!

I get home and jump on skype so I can talk to nutty for FREE!

but we end up shutting down skype and sending voice clips through MSN!

I have to make dinner for my sister, and my Mum calls while I'm cooking! HI MUM!

It tasted yummier than it looks, I promise! I tell Jemima that this is what Americans call Cheese steak. (I think). Jemima likes teh nomz.

"You broke our only frying pan!!!" after she took this photo, my sister went out to her friends place for the night.

Eek, what a messy kitchen!!!

I unload the dishwasher...

and load it back up again!

YAY, pretty kitchen, all nice and clean!

I change out of my work clothes!

and then make my own sandwich and jump back onto skype to talk to Nutty again!

I pop "Wicked: A Xena Musical" into my PS2 because Nutty told me she wanted to see it...

So I set my laptop up to face the TV, and Nutty and I watch the movie together!! It worked well too! and she laughed in all the right places! YAY!

I think she's enjoying the movie!!

The film ends and we talk some more - and Nutty records a new ring tone for me! "Pick up the phone Penny!" hee!

I harvest my crops on farm town while we talk!

Then I head back into the kitchen and make some more coffee!

I talk to Hayley, Nutty and Leila on skype while I peruse the LOL Xena threads on XOC! always so funny!

I'm starting to get very sleepy... think it's time for bed!! so I say bye to my skype buddies...

Write a list for tomorrow so I don't forget anything!

and brush my teefs!

Then I light some incense, because it helps me sleep at night (keeps me calm) - note the awesome collage my best friend Nat made me?

Make sure my Desert Rose crystal is under my pillow...

plug in my phone and my ipod to charge (look! it's 11pm!!)

and cuddle up with Penny and my con t-shirt to go to sleep.

Good night!! :)

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