Jan 30, 2005 19:04
badrastafarian9: i am very confused
distinct harmony: about what?
badrastafarian9: i was thinking about me and brit, like really thinking and i feel like a jerk...
distinct harmony: why?
distinct harmony: she's the one that was mean to you wasnt she?
badrastafarian9: yea but
badrastafarian9: i keep checking up on her lj to like see how she is i still love her like a best friend even though i was pissed, and all this crappy stuff is happening to her
badrastafarian9: and i really hate ending things alll crappy like i did and i feel like i should try to make it right
distinct harmony: if you think she would give you the same treatment then try to make it right
badrastafarian9: and i know its not like we'll be super close right away agaion but i feel like we should at least talk...
badrastafarian9: she's on right now but i dont wanna just pop up and be like hey like nothing happened
distinct harmony: maybe you could just be like hey... let's just start over?
badrastafarian9: thats what i was thinking but then i would feel like i lost
distinct harmony: mmm good point.
badrastafarian9: i know its not a game but i wanna be stubborn about it
distinct harmony: well, maybe if she doesnt care about being your friend that much that she hasn't tried to apologize ... maybe shes not really worth your time?
badrastafarian9: maybe idk
distinct harmony signed on at 7:00:48 PM.
badrastafarian9: i'd like to think that she thinks about it as much as i do but shes twice as stubborn as i am she'll never be the first one