This is the wonderful PIMP MASTER BRITTNEY

Oct 17, 2004 15:17

This is Brittney no sorry error my name is susInahThe Go of all things fucken holy updating for my bitch Brianna Rose Pace The funny thing about that statment is I acciendenly put Anne instead of Rose I am a fucking genius! anyways now after two days of junk food and desicrating our bodies we are now sitting down drinking mountain dew.  We are fucking health freaks! I tell ya freaks! anyways this weekend has been fun It had been 40 days and 40 nights without seeing my lovely briiianna and I am afraid I was suffering from withdrawls, you know frantic vomiting nausea insomnia it was a pitiful sight I got to tell ya 40 days and nights with out bri was like 40 days and nightas without sex we rented movies starring the sexiest man on the fucking planet yes I would be talking about Brad pitt! and movies about PORN! hahah 40 boys and 40 night Donnas fucking rock

she is making soup the little martha stewart she is and yes its interesting! I have a boyfriend hes a bad boy! hahahaahaha sometimes he twitcth for no reason!fuck we want to hear HEy Mister but the radio station will not FUCKING answer! dammit!

Don't touch my fucking dog! precious it puts the lotion on its skin!

hahah we are still in our pjs and its like 4 in the afternoon we are losers loooooseerrrrs I am supossivly a lunitic! fuck! I am not  I swear!


we canoodled last night!

4 more years till HOOTERS! Fuck yes!   Joel is fat all over. I love my Faaaather tom cruise is feminine and brad pit has poppy things bri likes to eat bri! the cheese bri is a cheese and I want to name my kid after the fictional doctor on nip/tuck Bri is blasting a song about getting one kiss

Bri is shoving things in my mouth that is not a cocK! you all can suck it

Fuck me good and call me china!

Why do they dress so slutty?

Because they are porn stars

That doesn't mean they have to dress slutty!

I was thinking about saying oh yea bri don't drink that mountain dew I had to go all the way upstairs for but I didn't say it and then she went to dr ink it and I was like you dont have too drink it I was just kidding and she didn't know what I was talking about jodie foster is ugly with a wierd shapeped head and a pointy sarah michelle gellar nose ok I am done bitches!

Me  and bri are hetero sexual life partners and going to make a movie just like jay and silent bob but change the names to bri and brittney

ok so what hAVE WE LEARNED ?

89x are bastards and wont pick up the phone

my name is susinah

aaron= steve

and I jack off to  porn along with bris panties

off to eat soup yum,!

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