Snowflake Challenge #10

Jan 19, 2022 22:02

In your own space, rec a fanwork (fic, art, vid, playlist, anything!) you did not create.

Well, fic is my jam, so here are a select handful of stories spanning several centuries of canon.

A really excellent prequel to 'Much Ado About Nothing', in which Benedick and Beatrice find common ground and then manage to lose it again. There's just a little hint of it in the text of the play, and as far as I'm concerned, I now know what happened between them before Don Pedro brought his men to Messina.

Skirmish and Retreat by El Staplador.


Another 'Much Ado' fic, this time an alternate path in which Beatrice accepts Don Pedro's proposal. The language is so well chosen, and the progression of emotions is very well done. Also, a much better solution to the problem of Hero being seen in the embrace of a man. Trust Beatrice to sort things out! A very smart fic.

Another for Working Days by SassySnowperson.


A somewhat more modern source next, namely, Jane Austen's 'Persuasion'. This is the story written for me for Yuletide this year, and it pleases me very much indeed. It's the story of how Anne came to be courted by Charles Musgrove; it makes it very clear why they would not suit; and shows why he proposed to Mary instead. Everyone is beautifully in character, and Anne Elliot has always been one of my favourite heroines.

Before the Deluge by Ione.


Finally, a couple of recs from a very modern canon, namely, 'Ted Lasso'.

The Cursing Allowance by igrockspock sees a capable teacher find her way through the difficulties of teaching Roy Kent's niece. Phoebe tends to pick up a lot of... language from her uncle. Delightful.


It would be hard to imagine a version of canon in which Jamie Tartt asks Roy Kent for sex tuition.

I'll pause for a moment to let the concept sink in.

Here, however, it works. It's brilliant. With Roy being perfectly Roy, Jamie being perfectly Jamie, and Keeley being perfectly awesome, somehow they manage to get together in a very hot threesome. OMG.

shout whenever (I'll be there) by mixtapestar.

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recs, snowflake challenge

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