Snowflake Challenge #2

Jan 03, 2022 21:36

Challenge #2

In your own space, set some goals for the coming year. They can be fannish or not, public or private. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

Hmm. Goals don't seem to have got me doing much last year, but perhaps this year will go better.


1. I think something I could very usefully do is to spend less time at my computer, and at the same time make better use of the time I do spend here.

2. Having rediscovered the joy of feedback with my Yuletide story, I really do want to finish certain stories that I still have in my head. I want to write more. I want to get back my former belief that I can write and be paid for it.

3. I want to get back into a positive frame of mind. I think spending a bit more time being creative will be good for me, as I've always described afternoons spent crafting as 'good for the soul'.

4. I want to get my blood sugar back to a reasonable level, which the new medication should help with, as should the end of the Christmas period! No idea what goal is a reasonable one to set for that. I want to get back to the regular exercise timetable, which should help. This should not be too difficult, since Beast feels the same, although there are little snags, like having to make sure lunch is ready for Boy's actual lunchtime, since he is perforce working from home. The hip difficulties are not good, but I suspect strength and fitness will help with the hip, and trying to maintain as much as possible of the slipping flexibility cannot be bad.

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#2in, snowflake challenge

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