Do we ever talk about women who are losing our hair?
We don't very often talk about periodic or menopausal inconveniences, but the topics are not totally taboo any more and I have been most grateful for discussions of these things. But do we talk about going bald? Not chemotherapy bald, just... losing our hair? I don't think we do, really.
Well, maybe we should.
I have encroaching male pattern baldness. My forehead is a lot higher than it used to be, and the hair on top is woefully thin, although there is still plenty around the back and sides. I don't like it. I feel conspicuous. I know I can see scalp below the frizzy, forward-combed lack of mass, and I know other people can see it too. Meh.
Anyone who shares the problem, do let's talk about it. How do you cope? Hairbands and scarves? Never leave home without a hat? Turban and a selection of purple and magenta wigs*? Ignoring the whole deal?
I have a collection of wigs, varying in quality and colour but aiming to look natural. But wearing a full wig can be a hot and sweaty business, and I'm into the hot flashes time of life (oh, joy**) and it is summer and sticky outside, so, no. Also, there is no way I'm going to do Zumba in a wig! I call them 'dress hair', and have been known on occasion to wear one when going out for a party or dinner. But not every day.
However, about a year ago I bought myself a hairpiece. Luckily for me I seem to have standard 'English mouse' hair, and an off-the-shelf piece matched my own hair perfectly. I look ten years younger with it on. It wasn't cheap, but was intended as a practise run to see whether I would in fact wear a hairpiece if I owned one. Well, I did. So I had myself measured up for a custom piece, and after an interminable time-seriously, a good six months, possibly more, which strikes me as frankly not very good service-I received it. The hair is less thickly applied than the off-the-shelf piece, which feels more like me, as I never did have *thick* hair, and I'm not totally happy with the way it's cut, but nonetheless, it is supremely comfortable, matches my natural colour, and I am far less self-conscious in it than without it. I've actually got ready for bed three times already before realising I still had my hair on.
As for the gym, I have established a firm habit of wearing a broad hairband, which does double duty as concealer and sweat-absorber. And I put my hairpiece on right there in the changing room after I've showered and dried myself. I figure there is no sense pretending I don't wear one, have acknowledged it if people ask, and have even shared useful information with an old acquaintance I met lately who complimented me and expressed a wish her own hair wasn't so thin...
So, there's me, going bald and not liking it.
Anyone else?
* Note to self: a magenta wig would be AWESOME. Although it probably wouldn't go with my rosacea. Okay, make that purple.
** In fairness, it is a lesser evil than regular periods.
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