Sep 16, 2006 02:51
I've come to a realization...
School sucks (not a realization) but as opposed to summer where everyone's various recreational activities are strewn across the board... while in school, all those energies are focused into action-packed and amusing weekends...
bare in mind it's only friday night... more weekend to come!
I've also come to a realization, through a variety of reasons, that i need to fucking do somethign with my life and take a few risks, not do what's comfortable and go for something I would really enjoy, not simply someothing taht's easy and comfortable (like my major - minus the being easy part, super convenient in the exit from school job, but not something i would love).
*flip new out hud vinyl*
Today was fucking fun! lunch at noodles with jen and cara, vinyl shopping at atmoic, arrested development, pussy shopping with amanda and jen, hangin' out w/ said pussy (further known as G.O.B.) and going across town to the hi hat with cara and jen + coworkers. Very sleek, very expensive... then onward to a hippie bar, awesome! then a long walk to wisconsin ave from brady street and a limo ride by to our apt where I hung out w/ amanda, amanda mccrackin and her boyfriend. Very fun, and espeically impulsive/random moments.
Today leaves me feeling that life is what you make of it. life is not safe, or it shouldn't be...