Jul 28, 2003 23:46
Well this week strated off pretty crazy. my mom, teresa and i all had this really long conversatin about privelleges and cerfew and chores at home and everything else. Last night someone pointed something out to me that never even occured to me...I'm only 14. I know i don't really have the privelleges of a "normal" fourteen year old, but it never occured to me how active i am at such an early age. It's just all mixed up in my mind because i have taken on so many responsibilities so early in life. I mean in 9 months I'm going to be a senior. That's just insanity. I'm going to start off my senior year fifteen years old. There will be a majority of sophmores at the school that will be older than me! Well all in all i don't feel forteen and i sure do think for myself and take care of my self and schedule and life by myself. It's just how my mother raised me. Now on some part the independance mostly comes from the fact that my dad moved out and my mom had to work and support our house, therefore leaving us at home and us having to cook meals, do homework,cleanup messes, and figure out life's problems on our own. All of that has multiplied since we've gotten older and my mom has gotten different jobs and started law school. When we were children we rarely had chores. We focused more on things like piano and the great outdoors. not learning how to do laundry and dishes. We didn't really have chores when we were older.Now i can explain the sleeping in. This also has to do with the fact that our mom works too because we never had anyone to wake us up. The only people taking care of us were teenagers(gabe and ruth)and they either didn't wake up either or left us sleeping as long as we wanted. of course with school and all we made it on time. Anyway we've been raised pretty independant and i am glad my mom raised me that way. She looks at us a tells us she knows she can trust us staying out late and all, but it turns out that some people she meets think she's insane for raising us the way she did. I'm sure greatful for it. Now most of the time these are people we've never meet so they can't see how we turned out. I love my life and would never change it. If it didn't turn out this way i would be so dependant i wouldn't want to walk on my own strenth. Yeah our house doesn't stay clean 24/7, but we have fun when we spend time together. It's all one huge thing to be thankful for. Even though my family's ways can appear to be, "messed up" We aren't. We're right on track!