Apr 21, 2005 01:56
So I've been thinking a lot lately. Senior year and all just having had prom. It's funny you know? All the people you meet your senior year. How things are never the same every year. Such as the people you hang out with or your friends. I love those consistant friends you know? Those one's you've had you enitire highschool career and you've never hung out with them you just always say hi and give hugs or smile at eachother in the hall. Yeah I have friends like that. You've never hung out with them, but you've never forgotten about them. You never forget to take them same route every day so that you get to see your friend. Those are the friends I'm going to miss the most. Still though, all the new people i've met this year I mean it's wierd to think i won't see them after this year. High school is a sick and cruel thing.....What am I saying I love it!
On a different note. I can't wait to get out of highschool and start working with my Daddy. To start carrying out his plan and spread his love and news in places I've never been before. He is such an awesome God. the things he's done today alone are a masterpiece. Tonight when I go to sleep I'll dream about him. And when I wake up i'll lift my eyes to him. and when the day is through i'll give him the glory just like I am now.
Hand in Hand we will walk
Through the storm I'll remember the cross
All the things you've done
All the things I've know
Let me never forget my TESTIMONY!!