(no subject)

Mar 15, 2007 16:49

I think this merits a posting. My good friend and flatmate Lotte turned 23 today, so last night a group of us head down to the beach armed with Cava (pronounced 'Ka-ba', a traditional Catalan champagne) and chocolates. After about 30 minutes we're popping the third bottle, and out of nowhere we hear someone talking in the water. We look out and barely make out a shape in the water - he's shouting 'Tango frio' - 'I have (am) cold.' We laugh and think of course - it's midnight in the ocean in March. We kinda of get louder and for a while we think he's just playing back with us. Then as he gets closer we start to stand up and walk to the water, thinking this isn't right anymore. He gets close enough for us to realize that he is in trouble, he washs up on the beach naked. Karl pulls him out of the water, he's freezing and unable to walk or talk. We throw all our jackets around him and huddle to keep him warm. Luckly, a cop car had just driven by and stopped further down the beach. Bianca runs to get them. They come and the guy is in bad shape. They call an ambulance, and between our very limited knowledge of each others languages we tell the cops what happened. The cop thinks he was drunk and decided to go for a swim, got carried out too far by the current and just happened to make it back to the shore. By the time the ambulance arrives, probably 20 mintues after we pulled him out, he is concious enough to answer the policeman's questions, and even joke with us in the little English he spoke. The EMTs got him in the ambulance and the cops thanked us and we walked on home to finish our Cava and spend the rest of the night going - Shit, that was crazy. Suffice to say, not every night has been this exciting or interesting, but it certainly makes you think that things unfold they way they are suppose to. We were suppose to leave the beach at midnight but we decided to stay, and the cop car drove by at exactly the right time. Weird huh.
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