Date: 5 March 2006
Title: Fortunate Misunderstanding
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: Yumichika, Ikkaku
Warnings/Spoilers: None. Written for
wisteriapeacock and
insertbaldjoke over at
campfuckudie, and it was found
here. However, I was anonymous at the time because I didn't want them to know that the bad writing was from me DDD:
Ikkaku, for reasons known only to himself and those reasons by now possibly forgotten, had a wish for a second death. Yumichika, who had arrived in death earlier than his future partner, had seen and lived the ugly truth in its every form.
Yumichika with the delicate face and an ever-hungry stomach called to passersby with a glance behind his eyelashes. Ikkaku watched everyone, always wondering, wondering, "He'll be able to do it? He'll be able to do it? Maybe, yes."
In the most fortunate misunderstanding of their lives, this was how they found each other for the first time.
Ikkaku, who had propped himself against a tree, looked at the aftermath - blood and pain and blood and a high of exhilaration and freedom he had not felt since he had died. Yumichika, his back to the ground and a knife a few meters away, remembered only the bald man's manic, ecstatic grin.
"So. What's your name?"
"... You... are an idiot."
"Something like that."
This was how they first met.