dura ✖ ratatat || instrumental track
ghost under rocks ✖ ra ra riot || when every little thing you own is looking back at you and starts to mean less than it ever did. on every,o n every inch of stone, skin and cloth made to leave you. here you are you are breathing life into ghost under rocks like notes found in pocket coats of your fathers, lost and forgotten. all all all your soaking wet dreams, you've spent them, you have gone and dreamt them dry. now you ask your babies why, why, why. well if you can't decide whether you either weep or moan. you waste a year to mull this through anyway you wanted to. oh but you could have had turn it into broken good, taken off the side of it a cut up and a parasol, a pair of them you found along. maybe never to again, as if it never was at all, lifting you up as an offer, up as an offer.
the greatest ✖ cat power || once I wanted to be the greatest | no wind or waterfall could stall me | and then came the rush of the flood | the stars at night turned deep to dust | melt me down | into big black armour | leave no trace | of grace | just in your honor | lower me down | to culprit south | make 'em wash a space in town | for the lead | and the dregs of my bed | i've been sleeping | lower me down | pin me in | secure the grounds | for the later parade | once I wanted to be the greatest | two fists of solid rock | with brains that could explain | any feeling
my mistakes were made for you ✖ the last shadow puppets || about as subtle as an earthquake, I know, my mistakes were made for you. and in the back room of a bad dream she came and whisked me away, enthused. and it's as solid as a rock rolling down a hill. the fact is that it probably will hit something on the hazardous terrain. and we're just following the flock, round and in between, before we're smashed to smithereens like they were, and we scramble from the blame. and it's the fame that put words in her mouth, she couldn't help but spit 'em out - innocence and arrogance entwined in the filthiest of minds. she was bitten on her birthday and now, a face in the crowd she's not. and I suspect that now forever the shape she came to escape is forgot. and it's a lot to ask her not to sting and give her less than everything, around your crooked conscience she will wind.
not a robot, but a ghost ✖ andrew bird || i run the numbers through the floor. here's how it goes: i crack the codes. i crack the codes that end the war, i crack the codes that end the war. the hour, the hour, the hour, the hour. i pushed a note under your door. here's how it goes: things come to blows, but we don't want this anymore. no we don't want this anymore, we don't want this anymore. i crack the codes, you end the war. i hear the clockwork in your core. time strips the gears till you forget what they were for. i push the numbers through your pores. i crack the codes, i crack the codes that end the war. how's my living? you can call encrypted numbers on bathroom stalls. there's something burning, it casts a pall. it's melting numbers, right off the wall. i run the numbers through the floor. here's how it goes: i crack the codes. i crack the codes, you end the war.
brainy ✖ the national || i’ve been draggin around from the end of your coat for two weeks. everywhere you go is swirlin, everything you say has water under it. you know I keep your fingerprints in a pink folder in the middle of my table. you’re the tall kingdom I surround. think I better follow you around. you might need me more than you think you will. come home in the car you love, brainy brainy brainy. i’ve been dragging around from the end of your coat for two weeks. you keep changing you’re fancy fancy mind every time I decide to let go. i was up all night again, boning up and reading the American dictionary. you’ll never believe me, what I found. think I better follow you around. you might need me more than you think you will. come home in the car you love, brainy brainy brainy.
as serious as your life ✖ four tet || instrumental track
*images from
caps by the amazing