Back again after 4 years

Jul 15, 2014 13:22

Name: Ariel

Age: 28

Birthday: August 4th

Gender: female

Orientation: Straight

Location: California, USA

Occupation: Nursing Assistant

Languages Spoken: English

Religion: atheist but formerly catholic

Relationship status: single

About me: I'm mostly an introvert who cares deeply about people. It's the reason I went into my line of work. If I didn't have to make money i would be a student forever learning new things that interested me. I once wanted to be an aerospace engineer or an enviromental engineer before settling on the medical track. I plan on going back to school to get my nursing licence and work in psychiatric nursing.

Hobbies/Interests: I love to write but what I write most of these days is fanfiction. Although I am working on 2 original novels. One fantasy novel set in late 1800's New York and another sci-fi novel set on a Generational ship set far in the future. I'm hotping to get one of them done for NaNoWriMo this year. I love to watch tv and play video games and read.

Music: Radiohead, Explosions in the Sky, Mazzy Star, Soundtrack music, NIN, Lorde,

>Books:Hunger Games,A Song of Ice and Fire, Harry Potter, Mistborn Trilogy, The Sword of Truth, The Gemma Doyle Trilogy, The Wheel of Time, Dan Simmons (Hyperion, Illium, etc)

Movies: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Star Trek, Pacific Rim, 21 Jump Street

Video Games Mass effect, Dragon Age, Dishonored, Assassin's Creed, Fallout 3, GTA V, Dead Space

How many penpals do you have?: 1, I just started with

How many do you want?: 3-4

Do you want email penpals?:sure

Do you want snail mail penpals?: YES!!!

How long are your letters?: At least 2 pages, unless I have nothing to talk about.

How long does it take you to reply to a letter?: a couple of days

Would you like your penpal to be male or female?: doesn't matter as long as we have something in common

Age of penpal: 22 +

What are you looking for in a penpal?: I generally like talking about fandom first so someone who is interested in that and can maybe segue into real life would be best. I love to create mix cds and little homemade books that I would love to send along in care packages. I write on homemade doctor who stationary that I printed from my computer and if you had a specific fandom you liked I'll create one for you.

Where would you like your penpal to be from?: Anywhere!

snail mail, age:20-35, email, looking for: any, location: any

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