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Dec 05, 2012 11:26

Name: Maddie
Age: 26
Birthday: may 19th
Gender: Female
Relationship Status: engaged
Location: ontario
Occupation:student/ computer tech
Orientation: bi
Languages: english, learning dutch and japanese
Religion: baptisted Catholic but as an adult I do not practice any religion. i am more spiritual.
I am open minded and respectful... but please do not force your beliefs on me.
Email Address: will be given as needed
About Me: i'm maddie, 26, currently live with my fiance zack and our roommate sean. i work from home for an american website company. i am a homebody. i have 2 dogs (bailey, 3 year old papillion/chihuahua and pixel *pixie* a 1 year old yorkie) i have 1 kitten (leopold "butters" stotch) and currently am the home for 1 foster cat libby. you may hear about my many fosters. i love animals.
My Personality: caring, honest, funny, I have a big heart and an overbearing conscious, a bit sensitive, thoughtful, creative, kind, snarky sometimes. i put others before my self and i'm always willing to help the unfortunate. i love spending time with my family. my mum and aunt are 2 of my best friends.
My Hobbies: anything involving creating - drawing, painting, writing, arts & crafts, etc. I love to read, play videogames, and take walks as well.
Music: I listen to a lot of different music and like to discover new songs.
Movies:a christmas story, how the grinch stole christmas, silent hill, most horror or cartoons. i dont enjoy action movies.
Books: i will read almost anything. chelsea handler is my favorite.
TV: Currently I am into Breaking Bad, american horror story, and a lot of adult animated shows
PenPal Info!
How Many Penpals Do You Have: i had 5
How Many PenPals Do You Want: 4-5 more
Do You Want Email Pals/Do You Want Snail Mail Pal: snail mail please
How Long Are Your Letters: depending what is going on and what the other person wrote. the longest was 17 pages
How Long Does It Take You To Reply To A Letter: depending how busy i am with work/life. less then a week
Do You Prefer Male Or Female: both
What Are you Looking For In A Pen Pal: friendly, some common interests, maybe they can teach me something or tell me about their life. i am looking for some connection.
Where Would You Like Them To Be From: anywhere
Age Preference: 21+ preferred
Message Me If: you like what you see and if we have a bit in common.
i am looking for letter penpals and journal swap pals.

looking for:outside of location, canada, looking for: us, age:20-35, looking for: uk, traveling notebooks, location: canada, female, any gender, snail mail, any location, swaps

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