
Jul 22, 2011 18:17

Name: Peyton
Nickname: PeyPey
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Occupation: Student or prisoner depending on which way you look at it :P
Languages Spoken: English and Gibberish

Interests: Drawing, painting, just any art actually. Singing, learning (and failing) to play the guitar and listening tom music. I likie to just randomly start dancing too. Doodling. Storms, thunder, lighting. Hanging out with friends. The Truth Game. Basketball, Soccer. True love <3. My family. Cooking. And much, much more...

Music: I like all genres of music. Some artists I like are Eminem, Hedley, Avril Lavigne, Lilly Allen, and sooo many more. I'm also interested in any new bands someone might recommend for me.

Books: Some of the books I've been into lately are.... The Soul Screamers series, Anything by Sarah Dessen, the Vampire Academy series, the House of Night series, Night World, Harry Potter, The Confessions of Georgia Nicholson books, and many more. I also like Anne of Green Gables books.

Movies: I love all movies, seriously, even if there bad because then I just find them funny. Some movies i like are: The Collector, Dispicable Me, Harry Potter and just all other movies. I also like Angus, Thongs and Pefect Snogging.

TV: Big-bang theory, CSI, Gilmore Girls, Cartoons, a couple others but I watch more movies then shows.

How many pen pals do you have? None.
How many pen pals do you want? A couple.
How long are your letters? Depends on how much I have to say.
Do you hand-write or type? Both.
How long does it take you to reply to a letter? I always answer as fast as I can. 1-3 days usually.
Snail mail or email? E-mail.
What age would you like your pen pal to be? 13-16
Would you like them to be male or female? Either one.
Where would you like them to be from? Anywhere
What are you looking for in a pen pal? I want someone who will be my friend, won't mind my craziness or my advice giving. I want someone funny and nice and who will give good advice. And I'm looking for someone whos not perfect, who has some problems and bad hair days. Perfect people are boring.

Can't wait to talk to someone :)

texts, location: age: 14-17, email, female, lookingfor:age14-16, any gender, age: 14-17, anywhere, any location

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