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Feb 28, 2006 15:48

so i've been totally and completely nostalgic lately.
it sorta sucks, cause it makes me miss doing all those things that i love to do, but only come around once or twice a year.
and writing this doesn't necessarily help, but i kinda feel like i need to write it anyway.

example #1:  camp winnataska...  when we were little this is the time of year maggie and i would get our forms, fill them out super early, send them in, and start packing.  yes, start packing.  in february.  when camp isn't until june or july.  oh and i've been going for 13 years and i'm totally depressed that i can't go this summer.
example #2:  montreat... ahh i miss that place so much... i talked to ben (this dude i met at montreat last year who totally broke my heart) on the phone last night for the first time in like FOREVER and it got me thinking about all the memories of montreat, not just last year but also year before last.  like um... no one knows this but, abby echols, adam sutherland, preston murray, and me snuck out one night at montreat two years ago, and basically went hiking.  NOT a good idea considering all the bears up there in NC.  but, hey it was fun.   and dangerous which is one of the reasons why we enjoyed it so much.
example #3:  jh ranch... even though i've only been one time, it made the biggest difference in my life of any other camp i've ever been to.  before i went, i was a complete hypocrite, and i didn't know who i really was.  but while in the mountains in northern california, i got the chance to spend 24 hours in the wilderness, completely by myself.  before then, i had always considered myself a christian, but i had never known what it really meant to be a true christian.  those 24 hours were the best of my life.  i know people say that you can't change into a new person overnight, and that may not be true but over the course of two weeks, it is very possible.  while at jh, i got rebaptized, started the habit of a daily quiet time, changed my relationship with God, set new standards for how i want to live my life, and realized what kind of person i want to be.
example #4:  mexico mission trips... i've been three times, but i feel like i've been a million times.  its amazing.  sooooo so many memories.  lets see... swimming in the pool til 2am, shower parties, telling mitch hedberg jokes at the worksite, trying to speak spanish,  playing futbol with the mexican kids, shopping at the marketplace, not EVER sleeping (but what else is new), the best spaghetti i've ever had, an 80's rock musically inclined work team, loser Pennsylvania people, PAT!!!, long bus rides, flat tires, card games lasting far into the night, cinderblock blows to the head, inside jokes (like most of these are). and i plan on continuing to go until i 'm too old to help.
example #5:  church retreats.... first one was in the fall of 7th grade, at camp lee, where i met blake, michael, and jamie and played football with them for two days straight.  and they all fell in love with maggie - who sat and watched.  but through the years, i have met many great people, and i feel strongly that the friendships will last a while.  oh and i can't go on the gulftreat junior high retreat.  i'm so bummed.

anyway... thinking about all these memories makes me really sad considering this is the last year that i will get to do a lot of these things.  after this summer, no more gulftreat, no more montreat, no more winnataska, and no more jh. 
also, thinking about all of these has made me really excited that summer is only three months away... and in three months i will have graduated high school!!!!!!! and in 6 months, i will have a bunch more memories to post on here and i'll be in college.
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