Feb 21, 2012 09:23
So apparently going a year between updates is a thing that I do now despite the fact that I have been actively reading (though not actually commenting) on my f-list pretty much weekly. But I guess since I've really had very little to say lately about anything that wasn't related to fandom stuff (pretty well covered on tumblr) and RP (pretty well covered on IJ), updating has seemed kinda pointless.
Applying for Spring semester didn't happen since, apparently, in order to apply the professor actually has to get back to you about your recommendation letter before the deadline is past. I suppose most of the blame is on me for not constantly bugging her about it when it was getting close, and I still hadn't heard anything, but it's more than a little frustrating to have someone assure you that they're going to do something, have the deadline in hand, and just...not do it. She's assured me (since I contacted her) that she will have the letter to me by the end of February. But considering that's a week away, and I haven't heard anything since the day I e-mailed her, I'm not going to be holding my breath.
This wouldn't be such an issue if I didn't need two recommendations since I already have one (requested, written, and delivered to me in a matter of three days, tvym), but considering this is the last professor on campus that I had both consistently and in classes which I excelled at who hasn't either left, retired, or died, I'm at a bit of a loose end as far as having other options goes. So I'm hoping she does actually get back to me soon. I have everything else that I need. I just need this one recommendation letter, and I can submit an online application, send off the letters and my writing samples, and get my transcripts and test scores sent in all a good month or so ahead of the deadline.
I hope. I'm really tired of feeling like I'm doing nothing more than treading water.