Sep 05, 2008 23:18
I haven't got the foggiest idea.
Perhaps that is the greatest gift old age can give you: the blending of your memories that goes beyond 'now' and 'then' or 'good' and 'bad' or even 'pleasurable' or 'painful'. There is just the feeling of satisfaction or dissatisfaction when you look back on the events that have led you to the place you currently occupy.
I don't remember one particular moment where I became aware. The mind of a man my age does not function in that capacity anymore. I could be vague and say that I remember my mother's musical voice or the touch of my father's hand through the bars of my cradle. But I do not. It is enough for me to know that my mother did sing to me and my father most certainly reached for my hand through the bars of my cradle whilst I was rocked to sleep.
Too many people become focused on the past as they age and lose sight of the possibilities that lay in front of them in this new phase of their lives. I never want to become one of those people so my imperfect memory is perfectly suited to me.
Muse: Alfred Pennyworth
Fandom: Batman
Word Count: 206