Real LJ Idol : Week Nine : "Keep Calm and end this meme"

May 19, 2014 13:15


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"Ugh, lame, everyone's seen that one."

            Call Me

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11 people like this.
"Seriously, Casey, give it a rest with this stupid meme."
                4 people like this comment
"it's not stupid it's fun you're just a spoilsport ;-p"
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A dark figure crept through a forgotten back door into the school. Footsteps echoed down the empty halls. A hand reached out from beneath a cloak, swiftly turning the dial on a student's locker. The name "Casey" was spelled out in glitter stickers on the door. The lock opened with a "click," and the hand reached in, selected an item, and closed the locker door.
Soft candlelight flames lit the girls' locker room in dancing shadows. A series of words were murmured over the possession stolen from the locker, repeated over and over in a chant. "Yolo, yolo, yolo," the voice whispered to the flames. A clap of thunder rumbled outside. The ground shook. The spell was done.


"RIP, Casey, Keep Calm!"

"OMG Case I can't believe it, we miss you so much!"

"Bulldogs 4eva, RIP girl."

"This is Casey's mom. Our family thanks you for your kind words since the loss of our daughter two weeks ago. The doctor's still aren't sure why she fell into the coma, but at least she felt no pain. Bless you all."


Deep underneath the Earth, in the realm of the MemeDemon, a pretty blonde cheerleader toils forever correcting misspelled and grammatically incorrect Facebook statuses.

***This is my entry for week nine of therealljidol. If you like it, please take a minute to vote for me in the weekly poll! Please all take the time to browse the other entries!!

lj idol, memes, writing

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