I'm a member of
snacksters, where people from all over the world swap delicious snacks.
I received my package from my partner Meg (
stalkingsilence) from Winnipeg, Manitoba, CANADA today! It was perfect timing, because I'm sick, I was tired from work, and I was thinking "You know what would be lovely? If my snacksters box is on my porch when I get home..." And it was!!
I only had a few requests from Meg, and the rest I left up to her. I specifically wanted an Aero Bar (YUM) and as a French major I asked for "things with French on the packaging." Which I realize is pretty much everything in Canada, but I like to read foreign-language labels ^_^
The whole haul!
Real canadian maple syrup! I had bought challah to make french toast with, and this will be PERFECT!
All the chocolates and candies. I've tried the Mr. Big bar so far, it was good! I love these new snacks, biting into them and having absolutely no preconceived notion of what they should taste like. I'm looking forward to trying the others, but I'm saving the Aero bar for LAST!
The fruity snacks! I was unsure about these...are they fruit snacks like in the US? Are they sour? Well, the sour patch ones are ^_^ The fuzzy peach flavor is SO GOOD.
The salty snacks! Ketchup and "All dressed" flavored potato chips! I love sunflower seeds, too ^_^