(no subject)

Mar 09, 2007 21:26

Today was pretty good. I laughed a LOT. Always a sign of a good day.

In Spanish we split into two groups and the teacher gave us a bunch of random picture cut-outs. We had to make a story from the pictures. My group was crazy and good and we laughed hysterically and made the craziest, funniest story of the evar. It's posted below.

In French we had our exit exam (we had the Spanish exit exam last week). Since the 202 level is the highest REQUIRED level for liberal arts majors, they test the 202 students to make sure they're approximately at that level. The test is produced by Brigham Young University, based on their teaching styles, so it doesn't completely translate to what we've been learning. On the Spanish exam, I "tested into" 201. Eep! My teacher said that was normal and fine. On the French exam today, I tested off the chart. My teacher was beside herself. ^_^ I like French ^_^

We also had our French oral exam. It was an interview with the prof. I told her (in French) that in high school our French orals were hard and I wasn't a good student and my teacher would yell at me. She said I was doing great, and I got 100% on the oral exam! WOOT!

Remember that lit test that I completely forgot about until the night before? We finally got them back today. Before he handed them back, he started berating people, saying they were trying to bullshit him and it wasn't working, and that these scores were lower than the last test. I was terrified. I got....49/50! Higher than my last test! WOOT x 2!

Now I am at Barnes and Noble studying up a storm. I'll be here till they close, then sleep for a few hours, then I'll be at Panera bright and early at 9am. Study, study, study!

Here's the story we wrote in Spanish based on the pictures we got:

Los amigos

Hay quatro amigos. Hay un tiburón, un tucán, un perro muy guapo, y un llama se llama Tina. Ellos están coduciendo en un Chrysler 300 para que compren lamparas modernas para adornar su apartamiento cuando una familia que toma vacaiones en Tequesta Point cruzó la calle en frente de su coche. Hizo sol y la familia fue a tomar los fotos de la iglesia cuando el coche la mató. ¡Boom! Ellos nunca van a tomar fotografias ninguna más. ¡Los amigos se pusieron locos! El tiburón sugirió que tomaron los cuerpos a la fábrica de comida de perros para hacer comida de perros. El sabor de la comida es frambuesas y piña con seres humanos. ¡Mmmm! Dos ancianos que no tuvieran dinero compraron la comida de perros con frambuesas, piñas, y seres humanos. Fue la mejor cena que han tenido en su vida. La moraleja es que la tiburón nunca debe conducir.

If you don't understand Spanish, all that was FUCKING funny. All right, here's a translation:

The friends

There are four friends. There is a shark, a tucan, a very pretty dog, and a llama named Tina. They are driving in a Chrysler 300 to buy modern lamps to decorate their apartment when a family that is vacationing at Tequesta Point crossed the street in front of their car. It was sunny and the family was going to take photos of the church when the car killed them. Boom! They will never take any more photographs. The friends went crazy! The shark suggested that they take the bodies to the dog food factory to make dog foos. The flavor of the food is raspberries and pineapple with human beings. Mmmm! Two old people that didn't have money bought the dog food with raspberries, pineapple, and human beings. It was the best dinner that they had ever had in their lives. The moral is never let the shark drive.

spanish, school, daily, finals, french

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