Just cuz you delete the posts doesn't mean its gone.anti_an_heroSeptember 6 2008, 03:21:17 UTC
Its very obvious who "Claude_Balls" is. "Your friends?" Well, since I've never spammed Zedd or done anything to his clique, I'd assume the person speaking here is you, Missy. Nice cover-up job btw.
I've never spoken directly to Nick, or anyone in his group, and I don't list location on any of my profiles, so how would any of THEM know where I live, eh? You can quit the lil internet bad-ass act, everyone knows you're an asmatic pussy, IRL. I'm not afraid of your ban-hammer or your socks or you coming out here. You're all talk, no do. But I guess maybe I'll find out in December?
Re: Just cuz you are a clueless POS doesn't mean you aren't a copycatclaude_ballsSeptember 8 2008, 20:23:19 UTC
You don't have to be b_concubine to knoow where you live or how you paste and copy your VILE LIES
ref.: Marked as spam Nico Haupt is an agent provocateur pushing discredited theories in order to put a wedge between genuine activists and organized resistance to the New World Order's raping and pillaging. He denegrates respected activists and scholars like Alex Jones, Stephen Jones and David Ray Griffin because unlike Haupt and his absurd disinformation, they are an actual threat to the status quo and the facts they are getting out are reaching a receptive audience...
"Your friends?" Well, since I've never
spammed Zedd or done anything to his
clique, I'd assume the person speaking
here is you, Missy. Nice cover-up job btw.
I've never spoken directly to Nick, or
anyone in his group, and I don't list
location on any of my profiles, so how
would any of THEM know where I live, eh?
You can quit the lil internet bad-ass act,
everyone knows you're an asmatic pussy, IRL.
I'm not afraid of your ban-hammer or your socks
or you coming out here. You're all talk, no do.
But I guess maybe I'll find out in December?
ref.: Marked as spam Nico Haupt is an agent provocateur pushing discredited theories in order to put a wedge between genuine activists and organized resistance to the New World Order's raping and pillaging. He denegrates respected activists and scholars like Alex Jones, Stephen Jones and David Ray Griffin because unlike Haupt and his absurd disinformation, they are an actual threat to the status quo and the facts they are getting out are reaching a receptive audience...
anti_an_hero is a willing pawn of MeSSY and is utterly clueless of the TRuTH
See I archived the source material of your IDIOCY
source material : http://art-herpes.livejournal.com/643.html?replyto=5507
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