Sep 05, 2005 23:44
I was trolling thefacebook and I came across the profile of someone I've never met before. He sounds like such a great guy; so friendly and bright, and genuine. Maybe I'm just reading out of his profile what I want to, but if he didn't put it there, I wouldn't have even thought about him as existing.
And that's the problem. I, much like alot of other people nowadays, forget that others exist sometimes. It's so sad, especially to think that we're all in this (college, etc...) together, and yet......and yet......
There's no need to be shallow, or shy, or picky, or mean, or too materialistic in all this. We all want to meet new people and have new experiences, and any prejudices should be thrown to the wayside and forgotten. So much could be cultivated from a little straightforwardness and sincerity.
I lied. I had met the guy from thefacebook. And I judged him prematurely. And now I may never know anything about him other than the nastiness inside of me.
R.I.P Chris Small. May we grow from your soul.