Mar 10, 2006 22:13
Ok. So I haven't updated in like 12 1/2 years. And I really couldn't care less about my laziness exhibited in this way. However, I thought that a very quick update would be needed. Mostly, it's just about this break. SOOOOO... This break was way too fast. Especially since my "breakdown" last week. And there might be a slight one this week, seeing as I barely got anything at all school related done. Not that I wasn't WAY too busy everyday. Let's see...just the highlights... Saturday I had a riding lesson and FROZE. Sunday I went to visit the grandparents for the day. Monday I finally got to see Beth, who ironically is the only person that I saw and the only time that I saw anyone at all. Among other things, we went to the brand new Starbucks. Which is annoying. You'd get it if you saw it. And I got a hair cut. Tuesday I helped at the convention center to get ready for the show. Wednesday was the food show/concert. It was a pretty good day. Mostly. In the morning, Becky's intern, Cristy, and I went over to the War Memorial and wandered around until we found the dressing room, where we took pictures and made friends with the little man setting it up. My cousin Steve took Becky's car to pick up Brooks and Dunn from the Johnstown airport, so in the middle of the show I had to run out to Easygrade and get it cleaned. The workers there didn't believe me at first about Brooks and Dunn, but then they did and cleaned extra good. Thank goodness because it hadn't been cleaned since States. When I got back, a man collapsed and died. That was new. It was really sad, but we didn't know for sure until today. He was already sick and shouldn't have been out and about, supposedly. George Lucas, the opening act, came over to the show for a while to give out pictures and stuff. No one announced that he was there and he was crushed. I proceded to steal the microphone and make the announcement, then organized his own little meet and greet. He said he'd hire me. At the concert, we had back stage passes and went for the meet and greet, which was fun because we got to hang out back there until the very end of the meet and greet. A guy who works for my dad was the photographer. Becky directed the fans. It was pretty fun. Front row center at the concert pretty much is the way to do things. It was really fun. REALLY. We got great pictures. Kathleen, Megan's (one of Becky's helpers) sister, and I were in the very center and at the encore, we got pushed up the whole way to the stage and Becky said later that she was actually afraid for our lives. We thought that we were going to get pushed under the stage. But it was fun! Thursday, Kathleen and I were on the front page of the newspaper. That was pretty great. Becky's hand made it too. That afternoon, I was dropping off a saddle at the barn that we had used for a prop at the show when Sharon came in and told me that a boarder was on the trail and fell off. The horse ran back to the barn, but the man was completely lost in the woods and had hit his head pretty bad. Jerry and Sharon were really worried and asked me to ride out and find him. That was an adventure. Thank goodness I had boots in the back of my car! His head was pretty banged up and I think he had a concussion because he was nauceous and dizzy. He was REALLY far back, but we made it to the barn in one piece. Then we went out to dinner with my godmother. Today I rode the new baby on a trail and met with Cindy about the horse camp I'm supposedly running for her this summer. Tomorrow I leave for the equestrian meet at Wilson. We're staying tomorrow night at a friend of a friend's house and then competeing the next day. Hopefully I'll be back to school at a semi-reasonable time like 8:00 so that I can write this history paper for Monday. I'm reading the book for it right now. I have another lesson in 11 1/2 hours, so I should probably get reading and then try to sleep. I hope everybody else is having a good break! See you all soon!