x-posted to
Hello! Remember me? Probably not, it's been a while. *g* I used to be misswindy, and then I changed it to pennyproud, and, well, I've had like five LJs since then. I'm insane and fickle; we knew this already. I've missed you all!!! Hopefully everyone reading this is doing well. I would love to hear from anyone reading this about how they're doing. =)
Anyway, since this LJ has totally outgrown its purpose for me, and it's just sitting here collecting dust and I haven't updated it in nearly a year and half, I'm just gonna delete it in 2 weeks. I've been permanently blogging about the media and television industry
somewhere else for a good long while, where I've also moved all my pertinent posts from my last 2 LJs, including this one.
So instead, since I do want to keep up with all of the people on my flist, and keep up with my LJ comms (and a few more I'm not keeping up with enough at the moment), and things like that, and I also intend to start posting a little on LJ again, I've created a new LJ for these purposes, and I totally love my new username:
tvismyfandom Seriously, I loff it. I can't even believe it was available. I'll be posting semi-regularly there again, but it will be entirely friends-locked. It's not that I'll be posting anything SuperSekrit there; it's just that it's not a place for me to interact or share my thoughts with the world at large. That's what my blog is for. Please feel free to add me and I will add you back. Again, it's not supposed to be a secret so if anyone asks, you can pass the word along. As always, my real blog can be added to your LJ feeds by going to
Oh, and my new AIM name is TVIsMyFandom, too. I won't be reachable on TrekGoddess after this weekend. And in case anyone wants to e-mail me, I can be reached at tvmakesyoustupid at gmail dot com.
I'll leave this up for at least 2 weeks. =) Happy trails, y'all!