Jan 18, 2013 08:09
I am the world's most terrible mother. I really am. I'm totally saying it with the world's biggest grin on my face, but I am. I'm so going to hell.
I got back from more modeling work (for the love of God, do not EVER get waxed anywhere! Your body is beautiful as it is!) and I go to pick up the kids from Auntie Gabriella's. I quickly gather that there's been some sort of disciplinary issue with Sidney. I know, surprise surprise.
Gabriella's boy, Alessandro seems to be quite fond of Ffion (though he seems enormously frustrated that he can't seem to get her to talk, or be impressed at his bug collection). Sidonia, however, apparently got into a hair-pulling match with him, because she wouldn't stop calling him Dumbo. I did the good, motherly thing, and made her apologize.
And then I saw the boy.
...I had to run from the room for fear of laughing. Oh, Gabby, I'm so sorry babe, but your son has ridiculously big ears. How you ever got his shirt on over his head...oh, gawd, I can't start this again... I'm so horrible. I'm going to volunteer to clean her kitchen as penance.
Horror of horrors, I think Sidney noticed my reaction, because every time I see her, she gets this devil-eyed little grin. It's not fair! I'm the mother, I should be making her feel guilty!