Aug 17, 2004 15:12
Here's me right now: O_o That's the "not quite spazzing but hanging on the edge of disheveled" face. Argh.
I can't decide whether or not I want to go back to school (could I be thinking about anything weirder?). On the one hand, I'm excited to see everybody, and zoology will be dead awesome.....also, there's the whole school supply thing, which involves a trip to Staples, and we all know how wonderful Staples smells.....*ahem*
But on the other foot, there's the fact that it's school. The novelty of new classes and nice-smelling office supplies is always quick to wear off, and before I know it, I'll be wishing it was over. It's a viscious cycle.
Generally, I find I'm one of those people who always wants what they can't have. For example, to stick with my motif, let's take school. In mid-February or whenever, the whole idea is literally painful. Waking up at the crack of 5:30 only to trudge out into the barren Arctic tundra and catch a nasty bus to Alkatraz is, needless to say, an unappealing notion. But now, after a mere eight-ish weeks of freedom, I desperately want to go back to all of that. Ah well, consult me in a month.
Also, seasons. In summer, I wish it was winter, and in winter, I wish it was summer. This leads me to believe that I don't actually like any one season, I just always like the ones that aren't right now. Weird.
Why do you people allow me to rave on like this?!?!
Laura just invited me to see Napoleon Dynamite.....and I would have gone, but she wanted to go *right NOW.* That was inconvenient, seeing as I neither look nor smell appropriate to go out in public. Also, the house is a mess and Mutti would have a conniption if I just skittered off to a movie.
But I do have good news (and no, it doesn't involve me saving a ton of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico!)!!!! I forced myself to sit down with Thoreau today, and that's one more book that's out of my way! Now there are only two to go! w00t w00t!!!! It's actually a very good play.....Henry is kind of a spaz, but he's a lovable spaz. There's an enthusiasm that runs through the dialogue that just makes it really interesting. I just started reading and before I knew it, I was halfway through. Vair enjoyable, not at all boring like I was expecting. You'd think I would have learned my lesson from De La O's classic literature trick, right? Haha.
So Laura works at Party Stop now......this is good for two reasons. One, if she works nights (which she probably will once school starts), I'll have some company. Two, that's one more college-goer replaced, so it'll be easier on "the management" if and when I leave (God willing, that will be in the not-too-distant future). Everybody who's leaving is pretty much gone's more relieving than sad. I can't wait for all of them to be gone so I can stop feeling so.....I don't know......young.
My mother made the terribly grave mistake of buying a box of stuffed mushrooms....the really lovely ones from Stew's. I've always adored stuffed mushrooms, but the vegetarian versions are usually disappointing......however, with the Stew's kind, this is NOT THE CASE. They're sooooo should be illegal. All day I've been eating them, one by one.....out of the refrigerator, a nice 55-second sunbath in the microwave, and then I gently remove the stuffing, cut the mushroom into tiny wedges of soft, juicy, earthenness, then slooooowly consume it, one wedge at a time.....and when that's over, I savor the stuffing, carefully saving the moistest, most promising bits for last. *shudder of delight* Let others binge on chocolate and cake and the like - BAH!!!! Give me stuffed mushrooms any day. I ate them for breakfast once, and they often serve as dessert as well.
Okay, I'm gonna go now, before they come to take me away (ho ho, he he, ha ha, to the funny farm......)