Jul 06, 2004 14:57
Hmm, when was my last entry? Ah well, I'll just go through the weekend.
Friday night I worked, but my dad bought tons of fireworks so when I got home, we went to Doog's and set off a few.
Saturday I worked again, and Julie came in!!!! Yay!!!! She was with her dad, who was wearing the OM shirt. ^_^ Also, it was my mom's birthday so I used my 30% discount (heh heh) to get her this really massive balloon (seriously, it's frighteningly huge), and then when I got out we went to dinner at Mona Lisa, which was nice. I like it when my family gets along and can sit together for a few hours without fighting. So then on Saturday night we were at Doog's until about 11 setting off more fireworks.
On Sunday we went to my cousins' house on Long Island, and me and my dad went on my uncle's boat with my uncle and my cousin Michael, who's 3. It was a really clear day, so we were able to leave the sound and go into the ocean. There was hardly any wind, which was great. My dad caught a 29-inch fluke, which weighed in at 10.35 pounds; according to the guy at the weigh station, it's the biggest fluke that's ever been caught in the area where we were (go figure). He also caught a smaller fluke, and Michael got a bluefish. I came out of my vegetarianistic, "fishing-is-Satan's-pastime" mood and actually had a really good time. My uncle let me drive the boat back in from the ocean, which was awesome - at one point we got stuck in the wake of this huge party boat, so we were really jumping. Once we hit the inlet, my uncle took over driving again, but me and Michael sat on the very front of the boat (i.e., a really dangerous and stupid thing to do because the inlet is all trafficky and rough). It was just really cool though. I love being on the boat....there's something so satisfying about getting all salty and gross, and speeding, and docking.....*ahh.*
Anyway, we got back to my cousins' house and I spent the afternoon and early evening just sorta hanging around. My uncle the gourmet cook made food extravaganza, of course....you really have to be careful about what you eat in that house. You definitely can't be squeamish or picky. The general rule is, you eat what's there and you eat all of it, otherwise you will starve. Also you have to be rather quick about it, because if you don't get it, someone else will. I didn't eat much, since I don't eat meat.....I just had salad (weird salad, of course, with unidentified crumbly cheese in it) and sweet potatoes that were insanely spicy.....also bread and cheese and olives. Then we made this giant collective sundae in a huge trifle bowl; 2 gallons of homemade ice cream, a can of whipped cream, a container of sprinkles, and a jar each of caramel, fudge, cherries, and marshmallow fluff went into it. Then we stuck a ton of sparklers in it and lit the whole thing on fire; it was soooo marvelous.
After that fandango, we left....and when we got home, it was straight to Doog's for fireworks spectacular spectacular super-extravaganza. Not only did I still have most of my explosives left, but Doog had bought a box of his own, so we had about 50 of them, plus over 100 sparklers of varying sizes. Plus, this guy on our road always (illegally) sets off professional fireworks in his backyard, and we had a perfect view of the whole thing. It was extremely sick and wicked, not to mention loud and smoky. We saved the biggest ones for last, and lit all of them at the same time - INSANE!!!! It totally rocked.
Hokay, then we have yesterday (Monday).....my parents were both off, so they dragged me to Target and the mall. At Target I had to buy all my stuff for Massachusetts this weekend....fun fun fun. The mall was, well, the mall. We all know how I feel about the mall. It's a love-hate relationship; as in, I hate being there, but I love spending money. I bought quite a few things....lovely British heat-protectant spray for my hair so the flat iron doesn't kill it, some clothes from Old Navy (?!?!), a bag (ugh), an eyeshadowy pencil thing, and a bottle of that horribly addicting chocolate-coconut Jessica Simpson body spray. Dammit. I HATE Jessica Simpson....sadly, my hatred for her stupidity, whininess, and horrible "music" couldn't stop me from purchasing her remarkably delicious product. Damn damn damn.
I worked last night too, after swimming for about 10 minutes in Doog's disgustingly freezing cold pool. Gaaaahh.
This morning I went to see Jack the Ripper so he could check my mouth and clean it out with a syringe. He gave me two syringes to use at home!!!! Joy of joys!!!! Now here I am, waiting for Mutti to come home at 4-ish....then it's fluting at choir with the chilluns at 6:30 and a Steubenville meeting at 7:30. Business ahoy.
Well, time to get posting. Nicole will be back from North Carolina soon, so I should call her and make some plans.