May 20, 2005 09:35
I can be happy that I never killed myself trying to impress anybody. I can be happy that I never sold my friends down the river, I can rejoice in the fact that I have maintained honest relationships with the people I love. I can look at my love in the eyes and tell him everything, absolutely everything, I don't need to hide anything. I don't have to blame anyone else for any misfortune that has befallen me, and I don't have to lay my problems out on top of everyone else and force them to care. I don't have to set rules and guidelines for the people I associate with, I don't have to remind them to conduct themselves in certain ways in order to keep me happy. I am satisfied not controlling people, manipulating people. I am happy in simply loving them, that has always endured longer than hatred, lies, and ignorance.
And you were a part of my life, and its a good thing. I'm glad I got to know you, and see how unfortunately filled with hatred you are, so I could slowly back away. And even now, I can look back, and know that I was entirely right. If anything, I didn't at first see just how awful you are.