Remember that thoughtful post about materialism, and how possessions are ultimately imperfect and do not generate happiness?
Yeah. Bear with me on this one. I want a Prius.
Is it a great big hippiemobile? Yes. Is literally every other goddamn car in the East Bay a Prius? Yes. Do I care? No.
Also, I've spent a little time on the DMV's custom plates website.
For a white or grey Prius: 5HDWFAX
For a black Prius: A5UW1SH
This has been a departure from my general appreciation for a simpler lifestyle, and attempts to not get wrapped up in the desire to accumulate luxuries. We now return to your regularly scheduled sarcasm and whining.
Also, I missed this when it aired during the superbowl, but it might be the best thing ever and I wanted to make sure everyone has seen it. As if we needed more reasons to be completely in love with Google.
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